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Somewhere between the performance of dedicated infrastructure and the agility of cloud, is your ideal hybrid solution. We're here to help you find it, so you have the flexibility and freedom you need to succeed.

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Trainings & Enablement

Sharpen your edge

Hands-on, expert-led learning experiences that help you keep pace with technology. Take one course or start a path to build your expertise.

What we offer

Equip your team with expert-led cloud trainings

Build your skills with premiere training and workshops led by our experts or in conjunction with our cloud strategic partners, like Azure and AWS. Interested in cloud native technologies? We have you covered.

We are recognized as a Cloud Native Computing Foundation training partner with specialized training that maps directly to the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) and Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exams. Find your path!

Kubernetes for Users Workshop (Multi-Cloud)

Learn how to bridge the gap between virtualization, containers and microservices. Perfect for teams new to Kubernetes, it provides the foundational knowledge needed to start leveraging this powerful tool in real-world applications.

The curriculum emphasizes:

  • A live, interactive, multi-day workshop led by expert instructors and lab assistants, featuring real-time demos, Q&As, and group discussions.
  • Up-to-date content covering CKAD exam topics and beyond, with hands-on experience in building and operating Kubernetes-native applications.
  • Practical training on production-grade infrastructure using tools like Grafana, ArgoCD, Rancher, and more.
  • Ongoing support from instructors and lab assistants, even after the workshop, to help apply new skills in real-world scenarios.

Who it’s for:

  • Developers
  • Operators
  • DevOps practitioners
  • Technical decision makers

Required background knowledge:

  • Understanding of traditional application deployment models
  • Concepts of HA, Load balancing, Cloud systems Security, Virtualization
  • Mastery of CLIs
  • Cloud Computing fundamentals

Required technical tools and network requirements:

  • Access to a local or WEB based IDE (e.g. VS code or clou9) is encouraged but not required.
  • Attendees encouraged to use VScode or an equivalent for lab experience.
  • Stripped down CLI with access to K8s cluster with CLI text editors (VI) will be provided.


  • Online workshop
  • Live delivery with hands-on labs


  • 3 days

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AWS Immersion Days for EKS

Your intro to Kubernetes, Helm and EKS fundamentals. Understand the basics and set the foundations for the hands-on labs. A quick dive into microservices and RBAC, with a focus on observability of EKS components and utilization of AWS IAM.

The curriculum emphasizes:

  • Rapid survey of core AWS technologies and best practices, with a focus on deploying cluster rapidly
  • Fine-tuning your deployments with advanced schedulers using AWS Karpenter
  • Significant time spent running AWS labs- environments provided for you!

Who it’s for:

  • DevOps Engineers
  • Site Reliability Engineers
  • Developers
  • Solutions Architects
  • Enterprise Architects
  • Tech Leads

Required background knowledge:

  • No experience required, but having core AWS competencies (familiar with the names of services and products) is encouraged.

Required technical tools and network requirements:

  • No technical requirements. AWS grants cloud9 access.


  • Live delivery with hands-on labs
  • Online workshop available


  • 4 hours

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Cloud-Native Foundations & Application Modernization

Equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the Cloud Native Computing landscape, its strategic importance, and best practices for implementing cloud-native architectures within the organization.

The curriculum emphasizes:

  • Learn where and how to run your code using cloud-native best practices for scalability, resilience, agility, and automation.
  • Exploring different cloud-native models and patterns: microservices, virtualization, Containerization, container orchestration, API gateways, Sidecars, circuit breakers
  • Case studies exploration and hands-on whiteboarding activity breaking down a monolithic application

Who it’s for:

  • Cloud systems designers
  • Front-end Developers
  • Full-stack Developers
  • SRE
  • Cloud platform Engineers
  • Anyone who wants to understand the capabilities of modern application development best practices.
  • This course is highly recommended for teams that are modernizing applications, starting DevOps, or aiming for high availability and resilience. It is especially beneficial when taken by cross-departmental teams within the same organization.

What to expect:

  • By the end of the day, participants will have a solid understanding of the Cloud Native Computing landscape and its components, and
  • Familiarity with best practices and design patterns in cloud-native architectures.

Required background knowledge:

  • No technical knowledge required, only theoretical knowledge on cloud computing and application development patterns.


  • Live delivery with hands-on labs
  • Online workshop available


  • 4 hours

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Introduction to Containers and Docker

This one-day Cloud Native Containers Workshop is designed to provide your technical teams with the fundamental skills needed to work with containers in a cloud-native context.

The curriculum emphasizes:

  • Understanding the value and benefits of cloud-native architectures, such as scalability, agility, and resilience.
  • Teams will gain practical knowledge of Docker basics, image creation, and container management.
  • Introduces common cloud-native design patterns like Sidecar, Ambassador, and CQRS that are critical for developing microservices and distributed systems.
  • Training includes the implementation of Docker security best practices, including vulnerability scanning and building optimized, secure images.
  • This course serves as a precursor to the Kubernetes deep dive, giving participants a strong foundation in containerization.

Who it’s for:

  • Developers
  • Platform engineers
  • Cloud system designers
  • Legacy full stack developers working on monoliths

What to expect:

  • The day will be a combination of lecture and lab sessions, designed for efficiency, with a focus on real-world use cases.
  • This workshop will empower your teams with practical skills they can immediately apply in their cloud-native projects.

Required background knowledge:

  • Classical Networking
  • Application development experience

Required technical tools and network requirements:

  • HTML 5 browser.
  • Docker Tools/ docker registry (e.g. HUb access) is encouraged.
  • VM can be provided upon request, but the experience will not be as good as a local environment with an IDE they can play with DOcker/yaml files.


  • Live delivery with hands-on labs


  • 4-8 hours

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Why Aptum?

Bridge the gap between knowledge and application

With partnerships going back to the inception of these technologies, and certified trainers with hands-on experience, we have been helping customers leverage these solutions for decades. We use this knowledge to craft courses that provide you with practical skills and get you up to speed on up-to-date tooling, and their real-world applications, in days—not months. Here’s what you get when you learn with us:

A CNCF partner, one of the very few Certified Kubernetes Training Partner, and Kubernetes Service Provider delivering training since their inception

Live and interactive, multi-day workshops with expert instructors and lab assistants

Live demos, Q&A and brainstorming session built into the course format

Up to date content, always! We refresh our materials as updates happen in the industry

Workshops that run on actual product-grade infrastructure, giving you hands-on experience with tools like Grafana, ArgoCd, Rancher, etc. that are weaved throughout the course duration

Course outline optimized for to cover CKAD exam topics, giving you confidence to excel your tests and apply skills expertly in practice

Instructors that continue supporting you once you return to the real world

Our Experts

Our team works tirelessly to build, maintain, and deliver up-to-date, practical content on a variety of subjects and tools.

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What our customers have to say

“I attended an online Docker and Kubernetes workshop. The experience was great. I learned a solid base on the two technologies, that enabled me to start creating solution prototypes for Node.js applications using Rancher and Helm. It also opened the door for me to subscribe to Cloud Native Slack channels to get in touch with the K8S and Cloud Native communities. I recommend this workshop for system administrators or solution architects which are transitioning to the Containers, Containers Orchestration tools and Cloud Native solutions. I loved the passion of the instructor, the hands-on activities and the documentation material is great.”

Cesar Bustamante
Principal Solution Architect, Nuance
two coworkers smiling and discussing work with a laptop and iPad in an office setting

Our workshops can be customized to suit your specific tool chain and cloud provider.

Contact us for details.

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