Aptum logo with purple double ring logomark

Ce que nous faisons

Nous vous aidons à libérer de la valeur et à clarifier vos solutions cloud et d'infrastructure pour accélérer la transformation, les performances et la croissance.


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Mentions légales et informations

Terms of Service

Customers of Aptum are subject to the following terms of service:

French language version of Aptum: Terms of Business is available here. | La version française d'Aptum: Modalités commerciales est disponible ici.

Some customers may be subject to earlier versions of our terms and conditions. Details of which will be in your contractual documentation for your services. These terms can be found here.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Aptum suppliers and vendors are subject to the Aptum Suppliers Code of Contact

Partner Program Terms and Conditions

Privacy and Regulation at Aptum

Aptum's privacy policy governs the collection, storage, and use of information gathered through this website.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

GDPR was designed to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens’ data privacy and to reshape the way organisations across the region approach data privacy. It has application to any company globally that is processing data on EU citizens. With this in mind, we designed a useful pack of information to help clarify our role in GDPR compliance:

Copyright Notice

The contents of this website are copyright 2019 Aptum. All rights reserved.

Trademark Notices

Aptum, the Aptum logo, and certain other marks in this website are the trademarks, trade names, and service marks of Aptum. Any use of such marks without the prior written consent of Aptum is prohibited. Other trademarks and logos are the property of the parties to whom they are attributed.

Telephone Monitoring

To ensure Aptum's customers receive quality service, Aptum randomly selects phone calls for monitoring. These calls, between Aptum's customers and employees, are evaluated by supervisors. This is to guarantee that prompt, consistent assistance and accurate information is delivered in a professional manner.

When Telephone Calls Will Be Recorded

Like many other companies, Aptum's telephone system is capable of recording telephone conversations. Calls with customers either received by or originating from our Technical Support teams, as well as inbound calls to our sales lines will have the conversation recorded as standard practice.

Customers who do not wish to have their conversation recorded may request to have a Aptum representative call back from a non-recorded line. Call-backs are at Aptum's discretion and will be provided where it is appropriate in the circumstances.

Why Telephone Calls Are Recorded

Aptum uses the recordings of telephone conversations in order to monitor service quality, the effectiveness of our staff training and to establish the existence of certain facts, for example, in the event of a complaint.

How We Hold Information

Call recordings will be retained for 180 days in an encrypted format, after which time the data will be destroyed unless a specific and reasonable reason exists for us to continue to store the data. All call recordings and derived data is held in compliance with our Privacy policy.

Website Cookie Policy

Our website provides services and information. We want to make your experience easy, safe and reliable. All over the internet, websites sometimes place small amounts of information on your computer to help tailor your experience. These include small files known as cookies. They cannot be used to identify you personally, nor can they retrieve information outside of the realm in which they are set.

These cookies are used to improve services for you, for example:

  • Enabling a service to recognize you so that it doesn’t have to repeat the same functions upon every visit
  • Measuring how many people are using services, so they can be made easier to use and there’s enough capacity to ensure they are fast
  • Using the information gathered by measuring the finding methods so that the site’s structure can be improved to provide this information more quickly

If you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set by our website, or any other website, you can do this through your browser settings. Please be aware that restricting cookies may impact the functionality of most websites.

Policy on Third Party Legal Process

It is Aptum's policy to respond with reasonable promptness to subpoenas and other legal process served on Aptum or its subsidiaries that seek information, documents or other business records. Third parties wishing to serve such process on Aptum may do so in writing through Aptum's Legal Department. Aptum will evaluate each such request based upon the applicable law and facts.

An administrative fee of $75 will be charged for each request to cover Aptum's fees and expenses in responding to the request. Aptum may require the requesting party to pay the applicable hourly rate for requests that require significant engineering or technical support. Aptum may also charge additional amounts for requests that require substantial photocopying, third party charges or other expenses.

Aptum expressly reserves any rights under applicable law in connection with its receipt, evaluation and any response to, any third party requests or legal process.